This is a variation of a letter I sent to a colleague. Thought y'all would appreciate it.
Don't ever trust anything you see on a screen.
Hope you are well. I'd like to have a bit of fun with our next zoom meeting. The catch is, you can't tell people that I'm going to do anything ahead of time. This is off topic for our normal but ON topic for zoom meetings.
OK, that's a bit vague and open ended. I've just recently ran across some YouTube videos about the concept of deepfakes. This is artificial intelligence technology which literally allows anybody with a motive and some time to put anybody else's face on any video and make it look totally real. So, you can make anybody you want appear to say anything you want.
I'd like to share some of this content. If you want to preview some of it, you can look at the links below.
Even though this is for fun, there's a serious side to it. It's funny when someone TELLS you something is a fake. It's not so funny should you (believe that you) see somebody important on a screen that's saying something they didn't or wouldn't say. There are lots of dark and dangerous uses for this. One reason I want to show it is to jar people away from the idea of trusting everything they see on a screen.
Here are some links: - keep refreshing the page. Every cat is fake. - keep refreshing the page. Every person is fake. - try to find the real face. This will freak you out.
It gets worse. The following videos show how you can fake a VIDEO, from just a picture of someone sometimes, even a fake someone.
video 04:55 - Fake Face video from Picture using Deep learning/ai 2020
video 10:45 - How to Join Zoom Meetings Using Real-Time Deep Fakes!
main demonstrations are 00:00 - 05:20 and 08:58 - 10:45 with a section on
theory in the middle
video 08:38 - Still don't think deepfakes will be a problem? (Glenn Beck)
slightly political, but fake, slightly crude
video 02:41 - Princess Leia In New Star Wars!! - Deepfake
Rey (Daisy Ridley - from new Star Wars)
with the face of Princes Leia (Carrie Fisher from old Star Wars).
Look at the eyebrows.
Those are the basics. Let me know what you think.
May your bits be stable and your interfaces be fast. Ron
Don't ever trust anything you see on a screen.
Hope you are well. I'd like to have a bit of fun with our next zoom meeting. The catch is, you can't tell people that I'm going to do anything ahead of time. This is off topic for our normal but ON topic for zoom meetings.
OK, that's a bit vague and open ended. I've just recently ran across some YouTube videos about the concept of deepfakes. This is artificial intelligence technology which literally allows anybody with a motive and some time to put anybody else's face on any video and make it look totally real. So, you can make anybody you want appear to say anything you want.
I'd like to share some of this content. If you want to preview some of it, you can look at the links below.
Even though this is for fun, there's a serious side to it. It's funny when someone TELLS you something is a fake. It's not so funny should you (believe that you) see somebody important on a screen that's saying something they didn't or wouldn't say. There are lots of dark and dangerous uses for this. One reason I want to show it is to jar people away from the idea of trusting everything they see on a screen.
Here are some links: - keep refreshing the page. Every cat is fake. - keep refreshing the page. Every person is fake. - try to find the real face. This will freak you out.
It gets worse. The following videos show how you can fake a VIDEO, from just a picture of someone sometimes, even a fake someone.
video 04:55 - Fake Face video from Picture using Deep learning/ai 2020
video 10:45 - How to Join Zoom Meetings Using Real-Time Deep Fakes!
main demonstrations are 00:00 - 05:20 and 08:58 - 10:45 with a section on
theory in the middle
video 08:38 - Still don't think deepfakes will be a problem? (Glenn Beck)
slightly political, but fake, slightly crude
video 02:41 - Princess Leia In New Star Wars!! - Deepfake
Rey (Daisy Ridley - from new Star Wars)
with the face of Princes Leia (Carrie Fisher from old Star Wars).
Look at the eyebrows.
Those are the basics. Let me know what you think.
May your bits be stable and your interfaces be fast. Ron