What ever that Windows recall thing is, here is my take

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
A few thoughts about the last “Security Now”. I was not listening that closely but from what I gathered there is an idea that Windows is somehow becoming this AI thing that is digging into how people use there Windows machines where that might be some kind of emotional investment. I believe it may have been recall. In fact, I have been listen to Security Now since episode 1, however by the time of about 2012 I started listening a lot less closely, I had been finally working as a “support specialist” making $25,000 a year, my life had been reduced reruns of “Frasier”, social work and using “double driver” to reinstall Windows 7 and trying to walk end users how to use Microsoft Word and Excel. It was a pretty sad existence for someone once saved up to build an entire computer only to and buy visual studio 2003 to learn C++ as something fun to do, something that could not happen because I ended up homeless and lost track of that copy of Visual Studio.

In 2012, I have had some pretty distressing problems involving the some of the politics of the time, but I was told I would have a six month review and I thought that if I tried hard effort eventual I might be able to get back to learning how to program in C++ and if I tried even harder than that, I might make more than $25,000 a year. When the review did not happen at six months and when I realized that although my job required to install Windows 7 and trying to explain how to use Microsoft Word and Excel, but I could not afford to buy those program myself, I cried about it a bit and I got angry about that and some other things. Then stopped being employed and went back to about $800 dollars a month in social security, about $180 dollars in food stamps, MaineCare and MediCare and student loans, and at that point, I decided, based the direction of those that are funded by the Department of Education that I would simply start pirating the software the software that I wanted, and so it went and I decided that if anyone want any code or data my hardware if you can get to it you can have it. I did in fact buy a copy of spin rite which I never had any plans of using and I not sure if I downloaded it or not and I keep a copy I found on the pirate bay laying around where ever.

Today, June of 2024, “pride month” (I am a man likes other men) I am more emotionally invested in my computer. I have started keeping journals, both written on paper and written in Word Perfect for Windows, some of my thoughts about who I am, what I care about, what makes me me. Some of it is to be therapeutic and to try and better understand myself, some of it is about assembly language, some of it is about mental health, some of it is about god, some of it is about stories, an idea that I got from listening to Jordan Peterson’s podcast appearances, and some of it is about sex, what is sex? If any of you care to know, the part assembly language I hear Steve when I think about that, but you may be please to know that Steve is are not in any of the other parts (maybe god, bad that come later for me than him if it comes at all).

So the question that I am thinking, since I make the chooses of 2012, can I now in 2024, expect to be using Windows “securely”? In that past used the idea of a Vulcan mind meld or a “brain download” to let others see what is in my mind, but there is not much there that is not available online and the stuff that is not is not online is real not very exceptional or interesting to me, I don’t care it I forget it or not. There are some people that I would not let in my mind, Steve is one of the people I would let in my if wanted to, I don’t think he would want too. There are many people I would give a copy of my brain on a USB drive if wanted it, but not everyone that exists in the world today, there are people that under no circumstances can enter my brain or mind or have a copy of it.

So, that is what I started thinking about when I was listen to that last Security Now on the part of Windows, copilot, recall or whatever the hell it is. I am not sure how other people use Windows or if they put parts of them selves in it? That is what that some of the last SN meant to me.