HI all,
I've got an interesting problem for someone in their 50's. Before I continue, I'll say that I've been dealing with computers for 37+ years, and dealing with the internet ever since it became available to the public. I didn't just start this stuff yesterday.
Decided I'm not having enough fun so I decided to get into gaming. Been threatening to for a while. I don't like the combat all the time and scare you games. I'm more into simulation, puzzle, analytical stuff with a slant toward space exploration where possible. Again, MINIMAL or no combat and fright. I signed up for the Humble Bundle subscription where you get a few games per month. I also set up a free account over at GOG which does DRM Free games. I linked the GOG account to HB. Some of the HB games are DRM Free but many are on STEAM.
One of the games I got with my introductory offer (Tropico) requires Steam. So, I figured I'd set up a Steam account and then link it to HB too. The ATTEMPT to do so is where my story ends.
I go to the steam site join page (https://store.steampowered.com/join/), fill out the data, then click the box to prove I'm not a bot, except I CAN'T. EVERY stinking time, I get "Your response to the CAPTCHA appears to be invalid. Please re-verify that you're not a robot below." I assure you, I'm not a bot, and I know how to pick out buses, cars, cross walks, and such from a grid of pictures. Over, and over, and over it fails. Tempted to break something nearby.
Before you ask, I've tried it with shields up, including noscript (trusting the sites I can see), privacy badger, and ublock origin. And I've tried it with shields down, all those disabled. I've tried it on Firefox and Brave (based on Chrome). I'm on Win7 and have not tried (old) IE. I'm on a VPN if it matters.
In googling around, I am NOT the only one having this problem. There are lots of MAD people.
You might say, contact support. You can't. All you can find is FAQ's. Apparently you can't contact them unless you have an account. If you can't make an account, you're sunk.
As Spock would say, "the logical choice is an act of desperation". So, I'm posting here.
A virtual tip of the hat goes to whomever tells me where that slightly modified quote comes from.
Side note, got a pretty cool space based walking simulator game called Stardrop from HB. Goes a bit slow and has a few rough edges but not too bad.
All help is appreciated. Gaming is supposed to relax me, not make me furious.
I've got an interesting problem for someone in their 50's. Before I continue, I'll say that I've been dealing with computers for 37+ years, and dealing with the internet ever since it became available to the public. I didn't just start this stuff yesterday.
Decided I'm not having enough fun so I decided to get into gaming. Been threatening to for a while. I don't like the combat all the time and scare you games. I'm more into simulation, puzzle, analytical stuff with a slant toward space exploration where possible. Again, MINIMAL or no combat and fright. I signed up for the Humble Bundle subscription where you get a few games per month. I also set up a free account over at GOG which does DRM Free games. I linked the GOG account to HB. Some of the HB games are DRM Free but many are on STEAM.
One of the games I got with my introductory offer (Tropico) requires Steam. So, I figured I'd set up a Steam account and then link it to HB too. The ATTEMPT to do so is where my story ends.
I go to the steam site join page (https://store.steampowered.com/join/), fill out the data, then click the box to prove I'm not a bot, except I CAN'T. EVERY stinking time, I get "Your response to the CAPTCHA appears to be invalid. Please re-verify that you're not a robot below." I assure you, I'm not a bot, and I know how to pick out buses, cars, cross walks, and such from a grid of pictures. Over, and over, and over it fails. Tempted to break something nearby.
Before you ask, I've tried it with shields up, including noscript (trusting the sites I can see), privacy badger, and ublock origin. And I've tried it with shields down, all those disabled. I've tried it on Firefox and Brave (based on Chrome). I'm on Win7 and have not tried (old) IE. I'm on a VPN if it matters.
In googling around, I am NOT the only one having this problem. There are lots of MAD people.
You might say, contact support. You can't. All you can find is FAQ's. Apparently you can't contact them unless you have an account. If you can't make an account, you're sunk.
As Spock would say, "the logical choice is an act of desperation". So, I'm posting here.
A virtual tip of the hat goes to whomever tells me where that slightly modified quote comes from.
Side note, got a pretty cool space based walking simulator game called Stardrop from HB. Goes a bit slow and has a few rough edges but not too bad.
All help is appreciated. Gaming is supposed to relax me, not make me furious.