Following recommendations from Steve and some on this forum, I am running a Protectli Vault with PFSense CE as a firewall connected directly to my Cable Modem (400/20). Behind that I currently have multiple routers on separate IP networks for internal wired and wireless devices, guest devices, and IOT devices (cameras, thermostat, Fire TV, etc). I also run windows based apps for a VPN. I'm considering using a Flashrouters Configured router to enable VPN across at least a portion of the network to overcome VPN provider limitations on numbers of devices. Probably not IOT stuff nor guest devices, just internal wired and wireless items. What are your thoughts about this idea? And if implemented, would those connections run: Cable Modem --> PF Sense on hardware firewall --> multiple routers, one of which would enable the VPN.
Grateful to many of you but especially MichaelRSorg for his awesome router security site.
Grateful to many of you but especially MichaelRSorg for his awesome router security site.