@Steve mentioned in a recent podcast that he was starting to read, and enjoy, the Bobiverse books. I predict that he'll continue to like them. Since he mentioned it, I decided to revisit the series for the 5th or 6th time. All really good books and movies are worth multiple visits. I read on audio from audible.com. I just wanted to encourage everyone to TRY audio books, even if you never have and always read kindle or print. This isn't like having a voice synthesizer read text, although that's getting pretty good these days. With a good voice actor or actors, it's like living IN the story. It adds a whole other dimension that you don't get otherwise, kind of like a 15 hour long movie. And, you can do this while driving, etc. The voice acting in the Bobiverse series is good. Not all audio books are good, but this one is. Some books, but not this series, also include sound effects in the audio, which adds even more realism. If you try this out, let us know what you think. I'm betting you'll like it. The Audible app on my tablet reads a bit slow for my taste, so I bump the speed up to 1.3X normal. If you're just reading for content, and not entertainment, you can read at 2.0X or so and cover ground more quickly. I like to take the novels at a more leisurely pace.
I'm going to start another thread about another science fiction series, Manticore Ascendant
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