It's time to spread the love both artistically and codewise (SVG is a type of code after all) for SpinRite by designing and sharing a logo for version 6.1 which Steve is under no obligation whatsoever to use since we didn't ask him about doing this, but if he wants to use anything from here we'll make it dead easy for him.
I created a slideshow to show off the logos and it's waiting for your submissions! Navigate it either by middle-clicking (forward) and Ctrl Middle-clicking (backward) or by left/right arrow keys when the slideshow is in focus, or just click/tap on a thumbnail on the left. Right now it just has a default logo based on being as close as possible to the SpinRite 6 logo (still a WIP), so the page looks pretty boring otherwise filled with placeholders atm:
Steve has absolute veto power to override/add to any of the above guidelines. The code of the page is itself in the public domain so he can just copy it wholesale to his site and take over if he wants.
Happy drawing/coding!
P.S. bonus points for anyone who finds how to adjust the playback speed of the slideshow
EDIT: For anyone wanting to use a placeholder as a template to start from, should be around long enough (until there are more than a baker's dozen submissions)
I created a slideshow to show off the logos and it's waiting for your submissions! Navigate it either by middle-clicking (forward) and Ctrl Middle-clicking (backward) or by left/right arrow keys when the slideshow is in focus, or just click/tap on a thumbnail on the left. Right now it just has a default logo based on being as close as possible to the SpinRite 6 logo (still a WIP), so the page looks pretty boring otherwise filled with placeholders atm:
Submission Guide
- The submission can be any size but the width:height ratio must be 2:1 so for example the default one has dimensions of 600 wide and 300 high. This ratio requirement is just for the purposes of less work for me including it in the slideshow, so if you don't care about your submission being in the slideshow you can ignore this.
- Assume a black background for transparent SVG images. This again is for the slideshow, but is also so Steve can just drop it in place of the current one that has a black background. This can depend on which software you use to draw with - Inkscape by default assumes a white background. If using a text editor you can just copy/paste the black background style from any placeholder or the first (default) logo.
- Upload your submission either as an attachment to a post here, or to (when it's not returning a "503 over quota" error) then link to it in a post here.
- Feel free to make submissions with versions higher than 6.1, so 7 upwards as long as you're happy with waiting longer to find out if it will get used.
- Do NOT claim any copyrights. We want Steve to have no ongoing requirement for permission to use your work. If you want to remain anonymous just submit raw SVG code without metadata. If you want attribution then paste the following code into your SVG file to dedicate it to the public domain, replacing "YOUR NAME HERE" with your name:
<metadata xmlns:rdf=""
<cc:Work rdf:about="">
<dc11:type rdf:resource="" />
<cc:license rdf:resource="" />
<cc:license rdf:resource="" />
<cc:attributionName>YOUR NAME HERE</cc:attributionName>
<cc:License rdf:about="">
<cc:permits rdf:resource="" />
<cc:permits rdf:resource="" />
<cc:permits rdf:resource="" />
<cc:legalcode rdf:resource="" />
<dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource="" />
<cc:License rdf:about="" >
<cc:legalcode rdf:resource="" />
<dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource="" />
Steve has absolute veto power to override/add to any of the above guidelines. The code of the page is itself in the public domain so he can just copy it wholesale to his site and take over if he wants.
Happy drawing/coding!
P.S. bonus points for anyone who finds how to adjust the playback speed of the slideshow
EDIT: For anyone wanting to use a placeholder as a template to start from, should be around long enough (until there are more than a baker's dozen submissions)
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