# SpinRite Detailed Technical Log generated at 12:12 pm on Nov 9th, 2023. #
release candidate 3
Command line: diags
SpinRite User-Requested Debugging Log
2023-11-09 at 12:12, release candidate 3
Vendor: 8086 Device: 8D62 Bus: 00 Dev: 11 Func: 04 Class: 0106 ProgIf: 01
HBAR (Host Base Address Register): FB325000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bar-0: FFFFFFFF - legacy base address register 0
bar-1: FFFFFFFF - " " " " 1
bar-2: FFFFFFFF - " " " " 2
bar-3: FFFFFFFF - " " " " 3
bar-4: FFFFFFFF - " " " " 4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cap: C3309F43 - host capabilities
ghc: 80000000 - global host control
is: 00000000 - interrupt status
pi: 00000002 - ports implemented
vs: 00010300 - version
ccc ctl: 00000000 - command completion ccoalescing control
ccc prt: 00000000 - command completion coalsecing ports
enc loc: 01600002 - enclosure management location
enc ctl: 07010000 - enclosure management control
cap2: 00000004 - enclosure management control
bohc: 00000000 - BIOS/OS handoff control and status
=[ Port: 1 ]=
clb: 0009EC00 - command list base address, 1K-byte aligned
clbu: 00000000 - command list base address upper 32 bits
fb: 0009F000 - FIS base address, 256-byte aligned
fbu: 00000000 - FIS base address upper 32 bits
is: 00000000 - interrupt status
ie: 00000000 - interrupt enable
cmd: 00000006 - command and status
rsv0: 00000000 - reserved
tfd: 00000050 - task file data
sig: 00000101 - signature
ssts: 00000133 - SATA status (SCR0 SStatus)
sctl: 00000300 - SATA control (SCR2 SControl)
serr: 00000000 - SATA error (SCR1 SError)
sact: 00000000 - SATA active (SCR3 SActive)
ci: 00000000 - command issue
sntf: 00000000 - SATA notification (SCR4 SNotification)
fbs: 00000000 - FIS-based switch control
dvslp: 00000000 - Device Sleep
(SATA drive's LBA support is confirmed.)
Vendor: 8086 Device: 8D02 Bus: 00 Dev: 1F Func: 02 Class: 0106 ProgIf: 01
HBAR (Host Base Address Register): FB320000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bar-0: 42BE383C - legacy base address register 0
bar-1: 1ED92B8C - " " " " 1
bar-2: 402FB0E1 - " " " " 2
bar-3: F23AA7F2 - " " " " 3
bar-4: 5BF2730F - " " " " 4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cap: C3309F45 - host capabilities
ghc: 80000000 - global host control
is: 00000000 - interrupt status
pi: 00000015 - ports implemented
vs: 00010300 - version
ccc ctl: 00000000 - command completion ccoalescing control
ccc prt: 00000000 - command completion coalsecing ports
enc loc: 01600002 - enclosure management location
enc ctl: 07010000 - enclosure management control
cap2: 00000004 - enclosure management control
bohc: 00000000 - BIOS/OS handoff control and status
=[ Port: 0 ]=
clb: 35A0C400 - command list base address, 1K-byte aligned
clbu: 00000000 - command list base address upper 32 bits
fb: 35A0D100 - FIS base address, 256-byte aligned
fbu: 00000000 - FIS base address upper 32 bits
is: 00000000 - interrupt status
ie: 00000000 - interrupt enable
cmd: 01004016 - command and status
rsv0: 00000000 - reserved
tfd: 00000050 - task file data
sig: EB140101 - signature
ssts: 00000113 - SATA status (SCR0 SStatus)
sctl: 00000300 - SATA control (SCR2 SControl)
serr: 00000000 - SATA error (SCR1 SError)
sact: 00000000 - SATA active (SCR3 SActive)
ci: 00000000 - command issue
sntf: 00000000 - SATA notification (SCR4 SNotification)
fbs: 00000000 - FIS-based switch control
dvslp: 00000000 - Device Sleep
=[ Port: 2 ]=
clb: 0009EC00 - command list base address, 1K-byte aligned
clbu: 00000000 - command list base address upper 32 bits
fb: 0009F000 - FIS base address, 256-byte aligned
fbu: 00000000 - FIS base address upper 32 bits
is: 00000000 - interrupt status
ie: 00000000 - interrupt enable
cmd: 00000006 - command and status
rsv0: 00000000 - reserved
tfd: 00000050 - task file data
sig: 00000101 - signature
ssts: 00000133 - SATA status (SCR0 SStatus)
sctl: 00000300 - SATA control (SCR2 SControl)
serr: 00000000 - SATA error (SCR1 SError)
sact: 00000000 - SATA active (SCR3 SActive)
ci: 00000000 - command issue
sntf: 00000000 - SATA notification (SCR4 SNotification)
fbs: 00000000 - FIS-based switch control
dvslp: 00000000 - Device Sleep
(SATA drive's LBA support is confirmed.)
=[ Port: 4 ]=
clb: 0009EC00 - command list base address, 1K-byte aligned
clbu: 00000000 - command list base address upper 32 bits
fb: 0009F000 - FIS base address, 256-byte aligned
fbu: 00000000 - FIS base address upper 32 bits
is: 00000000 - interrupt status
ie: 00000000 - interrupt enable
cmd: 00000006 - command and status
rsv0: 00000000 - reserved
tfd: 00000050 - task file data
sig: 00000101 - signature
ssts: 00000133 - SATA status (SCR0 SStatus)
sctl: 00000300 - SATA control (SCR2 SControl)
serr: 00000000 - SATA error (SCR1 SError)
sact: 00000000 - SATA active (SCR3 SActive)
ci: 00000000 - command issue
sntf: 00000000 - SATA notification (SCR4 SNotification)
fbs: 00000000 - FIS-based switch control
dvslp: 00000000 - Device Sleep
(SATA drive's LBA support is confirmed.)
Extended Bios 80 Params: 0006004A 00003BC1 000000FF 0000003F 0EA60000 00000000
Bus:PCI Interface:USB 73754220 4943503A 746E4920 61667265 553A6563 20204253
20200020 69766544 50206563 6D617261 72657465 62615420
BIOS ItemFlags: 0x00000000
Extended Bios 81 Params: 0000004A 00003FFF 00000010 0000003F 74706DB0 00000000
Bus:PCI Interface:SATA 73754220 4943503A 746E4920 61667265 533A6563 20415441
20200020 69766544 50206563 6D617261 72657465 62615420
Extended Bios 82 Params: 0000004A 00003FFF 00000010 0000003F 74706DB0 00000000
Bus:PCI Interface:SATA 73754220 4943503A 746E4920 61667265 533A6563 20415441
20200020 69766544 50206563 6D617261 72657465 62615420
Extended Bios 83 Params: 0000004A 00003FFF 00000010 0000003F 3A386030 00000000
Bus:PCI Interface:SATA 73754220 4943503A 746E4920 61667265 533A6563 20415441
20200020 69766544 50206563 6D617261 72657465 62615420
Extended Bios 84 Params: 0006004A 00001D6F 000000FF 0000003F 07374000 00000000
Bus:PCI Interface:USB 73754220 4943503A 746E4920 61667265 553A6563 20204253
20200020 69766544 50206563 6D617261 72657465 62615420
BIOS ItemFlags: 0x00000000