(Sent this to GRC wayyy back in 2018; presumably was lost. My apologies for having been away so so long! Here you go...)
Notes on Health and Carbs
- [A bit of background: my wife's a human bio major, and was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome many years ago. As she puts it, she ate her lifetime supply of sugar before she was 30
She HAD to go on Keto Diet: her triglycerides were over 1300?!! Keto slammed EVERYTHING back to perfect, including Triglycerides below 150
... I also had a 23 year coworker with Type I diabetes. She passed away in 2023 but endured most of the bad things that can happen. Believe me, I know the dangers.]
- A very important caveat about ketosis: pre-diabetics and people with diabetes need to be VERY cautious/careful about this. Good doctor care, frequent testing, etc. Doing it wrong can be fatal. My own brother went on this kind of diet; his longevity doc recommended it as safe. Only six months in, his liver numbers showed the diet was destroying his liver function! NOT a happy camper.
- I don't see any mention on the GRC Health pages about Glycemic Load. This is a hugely important concept to understand and put in practice. If needed, I can write quite a bit about this. My wife has been mostly on Keto now for five years. 20 carb a day limit! Doing great. She DOES take annual breaks T'giving->C'mas (and birthday in there) plus another short summer break to enjoy her fave fresh fruit.
- Recent discoveries show grain was human food a lot earlier than when agriculture began. Israel - 23,000 years ago. Mozambique - 70-100,000 years ago. (Scientific American, PNAS, etc.)
Notes on Health and Carbs
- [A bit of background: my wife's a human bio major, and was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome many years ago. As she puts it, she ate her lifetime supply of sugar before she was 30
- A very important caveat about ketosis: pre-diabetics and people with diabetes need to be VERY cautious/careful about this. Good doctor care, frequent testing, etc. Doing it wrong can be fatal. My own brother went on this kind of diet; his longevity doc recommended it as safe. Only six months in, his liver numbers showed the diet was destroying his liver function! NOT a happy camper.
- I don't see any mention on the GRC Health pages about Glycemic Load. This is a hugely important concept to understand and put in practice. If needed, I can write quite a bit about this. My wife has been mostly on Keto now for five years. 20 carb a day limit! Doing great. She DOES take annual breaks T'giving->C'mas (and birthday in there) plus another short summer break to enjoy her fave fresh fruit.
- Recent discoveries show grain was human food a lot earlier than when agriculture began. Israel - 23,000 years ago. Mozambique - 70-100,000 years ago. (Scientific American, PNAS, etc.)