@Steve mentioned finding a native Synology SyncThing client that doesn't require Docker/etc.
However, there is no info on where this "very clearly trustworthy" source is in the show notes that I'm seeing (I may be overlooking something).
Can I/we get some more info on this? I'd love to run SyncThing without having to futz with Docker and all that!
"Your mention, Leo, that there was a native means for running Syncthing without some messy Docker or other container encapsulation sent me looking and, sure enough, I found it. As you said, by trusting an additional (and very clearly trustworthy) source of Synology Add-ons, I found a native Synology build of Syncthing."
However, there is no info on where this "very clearly trustworthy" source is in the show notes that I'm seeing (I may be overlooking something).
Can I/we get some more info on this? I'd love to run SyncThing without having to futz with Docker and all that!