RS001.TXT (different options? with /ident, I think):
Those RS002.TXT results are interesting when compared to the RS000.TXT results.
I think I ran the RS001.txt /ident results with >ident.txt appended, resulting in the following (note the different "81!" and "85", which was displayed as " 5" in RS001.TXT, as well as the duplicate association lines in RS001.TXT. They were probably being written to the USB drive simultaneously. It's possible I ran it sequentially rather than one rs /ident>ident.txt) ident.txt:
[Edited to correct 4TB drive's buffer size and add spoiler tags to make individual files' text expandable for an increase in usability. Expand only the file(s) you want to see!]
Driv Size Drive Identity Location: 0 25% 50% 75% 100
---- ----- ---------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
81 250GB Samsung SSD 840 EVO 250GB 516.7 513.2 512.9 517.1 529.3
82 1.0TB ST1000DM003-1CH162 186.9 200.9 176.7 146.4 94.7
83 2.0TB ST32000641AS 133.0 124.2 112.7 93.0 64.4
84 2.0TB ST2000DX002-2DV164 213.2 209.8 187.2 153.1 101.4
85 4.0TB ST4000DM004-2CV104 183.4 175.9 154.8 127.1 83.2
Benchmarked: Monday, 2021-01-04 at 12:12
RS001.TXT (different options? with /ident, I think):
AHCI '.' and IDE '-' drive reset & diagnostic latencies in milliseconds:
61.807 61.606 61.3,285 61.604 61.626
Associating BIOS drive [80-85]:
[ 80 81! 82 83 84 85 ]
[ 80 81! 82 83 84 85 ]
No BIOS association for AHCI controller: 0:31:2 on port: 3
BIOS drive count: 6
BIOS Inter Bus Location Dev Port Intr
---- ----- --- -------- --- ---- ----
80 USB PCI 0:20:0 3
BIOS Location Type Clas Pg Vend Devi Prt Intr Cmmd Ctrl Mast Driv Link Size
---- -------- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----
81 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 2 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 250GB
82 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 1 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 1.0TB
83 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 5 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 2.0TB
84 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 4 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 2.0TB
5 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 3 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 4.0TB
Benchmarked: Monday, 2021-01-04 at 12:17
Driv Size Drive Identity Location: 0 25% 50% 75% 100
---- ----- ---------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
81 250GB Samsung SSD 840 EVO 250GB 534.6 533.5 532.7 531.9 543.1
82 1.0TB ST1000DM003-1CH162 188.9 200.9 175.0 146.4 94.7
83 2.0TB ST32000641AS 133.1 124.1 112.9 93.2 64.3
84 2.0TB ST2000DX002-2DV164 213.2 209.8 187.2 153.1 100.8
5 4.0TB ST4000DM004-2CV104 122.7 175.9 154.8 127.1 83.2
Benchmarked: Monday, 2021-01-04 at 12:21
Informational: The 4TB drive is extremely SLOW most of the time, but fast when being accessed/RW from/to by a program aware of its buffer capacity... (either 5400RPM or 5600RPM, but it's much faster until it runs out of buffer (256MB). (Defragging takes several hours instead of the several minutes the other spinning drives take, possibly because the defragger doesn't take into account the buffer size when reading & writing. It's also a 4TB drive.)
I think I ran the RS001.txt /ident results with >ident.txt appended, resulting in the following (note the different "81!" and "85", which was displayed as " 5" in RS001.TXT, as well as the duplicate association lines in RS001.TXT. They were probably being written to the USB drive simultaneously. It's possible I ran it sequentially rather than one rs /ident>ident.txt) ident.txt:
AHCI '.' and IDE '-' drive reset & diagnostic latencies in milliseconds:
61.808 61.607 61.1,186 61.604 61.624
Associating BIOS drive [80-85]:
[ 80 81 ! 82 83 84 85 ]
BIOS drive count: 6
BIOS Inter Bus Location Dev Port Intr
---- ----- --- -------- --- ---- ----
80 USB PCI 0:20:0 3
BIOS Location Type Clas Pg Vend Devi Prt Intr Cmmd Ctrl Mast Driv Link Size
---- -------- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----
81 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 2 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 250GB
82 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 1 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 1.0TB
83 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 5 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 2.0TB
84 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 4 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 2.0TB
85 0:31:2 AHCI 0106 01 8086 8C02 3 5 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 4.0TB
[Edited to correct 4TB drive's buffer size and add spoiler tags to make individual files' text expandable for an increase in usability. Expand only the file(s) you want to see!]
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