Just prior to SN798 being live streamed, I looked at the show notes and downloaded & ran ReadSpeed. The results were as follows :
This morning, I re-ran ReadSpeed in verbose mode and observed this :
What I am concerned about is in the list of BIOS drives 80 to 83, drive 81 is shown as 81! - does the appearance of the ! character indicate a problem?
Many thanks in advance. My system is a few years old and runs VirtualBox - my copy of SpinRite 6.0 won't work on these GPT formatted disks so I'm looking forward to version 6.1 in the New Year. Thanks again. Tom
Just prior to SN798 being live streamed, I looked at the show notes and downloaded & ran ReadSpeed. The results were as follows :
| ReadSpeed: Hyper-accurate mass storage read-performance benchmark. rel 1 |
| Benchmarked values are in megabytes read per second at five locations. |
Driv Size Drive Identity Location: 0 25% 50% 75% 100
---- ----- ---------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
81 2.0TB WDC WD2003FZEX-00Z4SA0 166.4 153.2 138.3 116.5 87.3
82 3.0TB WDC WD3003FZEX-00Z4SA0 169.0 162.7 150.4 131.5 101.5
83 4.0TB WDC WD40EZRZ-00GXCB0 172.9 163.9 145.6 120.3 82.1
Benchmarked: Tuesday, 2020-12-29 at 21:28
See the ReadSpeed forums at forums.grc.com for help and community support.
This morning, I re-ran ReadSpeed in verbose mode and observed this :
| ReadSpeed: Hyper-accurate mass storage read-performance benchmark. rel 1 |
| Benchmarked values are in megabytes read per second at five locations. |
AHCI '.' and IDE '-' drive reset & diagnostic latencies in milliseconds:
61.614 61.613 61.1,007
Associating BIOS drive [80-83]:
[ 80 81! 82 83 ]
BIOS drive count: 4
BIOS Inter Bus Location Dev Port Intr
---- ----- --- -------- --- ---- ----
80 USB PCI 2: 0:0 3
BIOS Location Type Clas Pg Vend Devi Prt Intr Cmmd Ctrl Mast Driv Link Size
---- -------- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----
81 0:17:0 AHCI 0106 01 1002 4391 0 7 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 2.0TB
82 0:17:0 AHCI 0106 01 1002 4391 1 7 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 3.0TB
83 0:17:0 AHCI 0106 01 1002 4391 3 7 < AHCI Cntrl > 6.0 6.0 4.0TB
What I am concerned about is in the list of BIOS drives 80 to 83, drive 81 is shown as 81! - does the appearance of the ! character indicate a problem?
Many thanks in advance. My system is a few years old and runs VirtualBox - my copy of SpinRite 6.0 won't work on these GPT formatted disks so I'm looking forward to version 6.1 in the New Year. Thanks again. Tom