So I have a question for all you win32 developers. I’ve wanted to learn windows internals for quite some time. I listened to SN on and off since it started. I actually think it was Steve that got me more interested. I’ve been reading Windows 10 System Programming and yesterday I started Windows Via C/C++ and I think I making some progress. I’ve debugged a few of the sample programs with Windows 10 System Programming and I think it is some of the GUI stuff that I am not understanding like CAppModule, the documentation for ALT and WTL is not that good. I did determine that CAppModule is extending CComModule my looking in atlapp.h on GitHub. But without documentation that seems the only way to figure things out. I actually kinda of like some of this Windows Programming. The Professional programming I done is mostly restful services. And I have to say, it is not hard finding work in the Java/C# areas. I guess my question is how hard is it to find work if your wanting to work with the windows api? I does not seem nearly as easy as say Java, if I goto in and type in Java and filter my remote, I find way more than Win32 or Windows API and filter by remote. I did however notice lots of pros on seem to show Windows API development as a skill. I am not yet really to add these skills to my resume, but I am also holding back and not spending that much time on it because I am afraid it might be hard to find remote work. I don’t want to move and live in a small town in Maine.