So, Steve wondered if isbootsecure would run on linux under wine. Well, I just did it and the results were, as follows. Don't know if this means it's really working or not. Note. I am using a System76 laptop which I'd hope is likely not effected anyhow.
GRC | "IsBootSecure?" UEFI Platform Security Information (Pre-release #5)
("GetBootMode" function not supported on this platform.)
This system was booted in BIOS mode.
(No other information is available in BIOS mode.)
Press any key after viewing these results to close this window...
GRC | "IsBootSecure?" UEFI Platform Security Information (Pre-release #5)
("GetBootMode" function not supported on this platform.)
This system was booted in BIOS mode.
(No other information is available in BIOS mode.)
Press any key after viewing these results to close this window...