IDE's and GUI's for Python and Golang

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I was very comfortable with EMACS, oh, about twenty years ago or so. Had used it heavily for about 10 years on SunOS and then on Linux in the 90's. Perhaps a steep learning curve, but as my daily driver, I grew to like it very much. I could check out/edit/in files from CVS, compile in GCC960 (as a cross compiler for the i960 C-core embedded processor), and run debugging sessions via GDB960 (again, set up to do debugging on an attached target i960-based system), all from within EMACS. I typically had a half-dozen or more open window instances scattered across multiple virtual screens. This was before Windows even had a virtual screen capability or multi-window (MDI) interfaces, which has never worked as well as native X-based apps on *nix, with 'focus follows mouse', and a 3-button mouse that allowed you to cut/copy/paste without touching the keyboard.

The thing I liked about the GNU tools, was their Swiss-army knife usefulness. I could recompile GCC and re-target it for just about any supported processor, native or cross-compiled target. And I did ultimately bring up a Linux system from scratch on a TI OMAP 1510 ARM-based processor, including the boot, cross-compile tools hosted on Linux, and target runtime libraries.

Those were the happiest days of my development life, I felt like I had mastered the GNU toolset and could use it practically anywhere.

Then, I got mixed up in the auto industry, and I haven't coded anything significant in over 20 years. Sigh. I'm looking forward to retiring, because I'd like to pick up the GNU toolset again, and do something creative with it again.
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I was very comfortable with EMACS, oh, about twenty years ago or so.
I worked professionally for more than a decade using Vi (not even ViM.) It's been some time since I last used it regularly, but my brain still has all that "programming" loaded. Prior to that I used to use EVE/TPU on Vax VMS. At the time I used it, I loved it, because the group we worked in had some very powerful macros written for it. These days, I use Notepad++ and Eclipse.
All us oldies will just have to get our act together in the 21st century. :)

I've got GVim on my PC but I've never taken the time to learn all the magic keystrokes. I usually use the mouse to control it.

I thought this verbiage on the Zeus Lite web page was interesting:
  • Brief, WordStar, Epsilon and Emacs keyboard maps provided
  • Keyboard mappings are fully configurable
Isn't @Steve a Brief fan?

May your bits be stable and your interfaces be fast. :cool: Ron
I'm with you guys. I too was an EMACS programmer (I have my old EMACS quick guide around here somewhere). I too ended up moving out of programming and into management and then network and securtity management (I had smart people working for me). I kept dabbling in programming on my own and now that I am retired, I can dabble to my hearts content.
I still have the Richard Stallman authored "yellow" book on EMACs, as well as one from O'Reilly that were really educational for programmers' usage. I still maintain an O'Reilly Safari online book subscription, since at one point I realized I had so many of their books, I was spending the monthly online subscription price in replacing paper books with updated editions. I have a half-price grandfathered account. As long as I don't cancel, I can keep the (relatively) cheap annual subscription price.
@rfrazier you may find this interesting. It's a hybrid of Delphi and Python. Also there is a linked video (and another one due in a week) and there are examples of their Python editing tool I mentioned previously.
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@PHolder I looked over that briefly and yes, I do find it interesting. Once I get some of the Python basics out of the way, I might have to tinker with that. It would be interesting to know how a scripting language such as Python makes calls to what is presumably a set of binary libraries. I will freely admit that the answer to that is probably above my knowledge level at this time.

Just on a whim, I googled golang vcl fmx, keying off of the keywords in what you linked to. I got this:

Cross-platform Golang GUI library, The core binding is liblcl, a common cross-platform GUI library created by Lazarus.

I have no idea if this is any good, is safe, is maintained, etc. I do find it interesting that you mentioned something that has ties to Delphi and Python and what I found has ties to Golang and Lazarus. I have no idea how all these pieces fit together.

I'm very good at threatening to learn programming. But, I have to get in the groove and start allocating time every day. I'll probably start with the Zeus Editor and the "Go Programming In Easy Steps" and "Python In Easy Steps" books. Not sure if doing one after the other is a great idea or a terrible idea.

It's good to see some more powerful GUI libraries becoming available. If Lazarus were available for Golang or Python, or if something like the Visual (C++, C#, Basic) development environments were available for Golang or Python, I'd probably build even simple programs with the GUI. In my opinion, it's just so much nicer to be able to put a program in a window and interact with it with a mouse, even if all you do is move it around, resize it, or close it. Above and beyond that, it's nice to be able to press buttons with the mouse, look at lists of data, or enter data in text boxes, etc.

OK, just at the last minute here, I tried to find the current status of Microsoft's Visual Development environments. I didn't spend much time on it. But, I didn't have much success. Maybe I missed the memo or maybe my Google Foo powers are off today. Is MS still making fully graphical fully integrated development environments? I'm not just talking about Visual Studio Code. I'm talking about a full GUI IDE like Lazarus where you can design a GUI app largely by point and click.

Thanks for the tip. So much to learn !!

May your bits be stable and your interfaces be fast. :cool: Ron