Hi all. I wanted to give you an update on my progress. I want to acknowledge, or re acknowledge, that "What is the best or your favorite programmer's editor?" is such a personal question that, if you ask 100 programmers, you'll get 200 answers. It all depends on each person's preferences and workflow and needs. Still, I appreciate any and all ideas. I also will freely admit that this is all very intimidating. I have programmed professionally before ... in 1995 ... in Clipper. But, I'm not 30 years old any more and a lot has changed. Hopefully, I can make some useful headway. Better yet, profitable headway.
I'll recap my journey as far as this thread is concerned. Maybe some of these resources will be helpful to you all.
So, I want to get into hacking and bug hunting for bounties. I like the idea of income from my desk. I give
@Steve for my interest in this topic, although I've been "threatening" to learn programming again for many years. The current ... EM ... political and medical situation motivates me to work from home.
I've got these books from No Starch Press and Amazon. One great thing about No Starch Press is that you also get EBooks with the printed copy if you want to. But, for this type of thing, I like a printed book so I can read it anywhere, dog ear the pages, and highlight things. It turns out paper is a pretty good display device. I will pay a few extra bucks to get the EBook as well.
Bug Bounty Bootcamp
A beginner's guide to web hacking, bug hunting, reporting vulnerabilities – and getting paid for it.
Ethical Hacking
A crash course in modern hacking techniques, with lots of hands-on labs for aspiring offensive security experts.
Practical IOT Hacking
Written by all-star security experts, Practical IoT Hacking is a quick-start conceptual guide to testing and exploiting IoT systems and devices.
Black Hat GO
Black Hat Go will help you test your systems, build and automate tools to fit your needs, and improve your offensive security skillset.
Black Hat Python
Explore the stealthier side of programming with Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition – fully updated for Python 3, with all new strategies for your hacking projects!
So, before learning hacking, I'm going to use SOME of the following to learn the basics of Golang (Go) and Python. I've also signed up for newsletters and forums for Golang and Python.
For Golang:
GO Programming in easy steps: Learn coding with Google's Go language
(Pretty cool full color step by step guide.)
GO Programming in easy steps: Learn coding with Google's Go language [McGrath, Mike] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. GO Programming in easy steps: Learn coding with Google's Go language
The Art of Go - Basics: Introduction to Programming in Go (Learn Real Programming)
Amazon.com: The Art of Go - Basics: Introduction to Programming in Go (Learn Real Programming): 9798711308614: Yoon, Harry: Books
For Python:
Mission Python
(Build a space station simulator.)
Mission Python will teach you how to program an adventure game in this hands-on, beginner-friendly introduction to coding in Python.
Python in easy steps: Covers Python 3.7 2nd Edition
(Pretty cool full color step by step guide.)
Python in easy steps [McGrath, Mike] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Python in easy steps
Learn to Code by Solving Problems
Learn to Code by Solving Problems is a beginner's book that uses coding-competition challenges to teach you how to write programs in Python.
Python for Absolute Beginners: A Practical Introduction to Modern Python with Simple Hands-on Projects (Learn Real Programming)
Python for Absolute Beginners: A Practical Introduction to Modern Python with Simple Hands-on Projects (Real Programming Lessons for Smart Learners - ... Beginners to More Experienced Programmers) [Yoon, Harry] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Python for Absolute Beginners: A...
Now I'm REALLY intimidated. I should be productive in ... OH ... 27 THOUSAND YEARS.
Documenting this was harder than I expected. But wait, there's more!
I've pretty much given up on getting a GUI for Golang. There are SOME basic libraries but (AFAIK) nothing really substantial. For Python, it looks like TKinter and QT are the go to packages. I WISH these languages had a full blown GUI IDE like Lazarus / Free Pascal.
For my text editor / IDE, here's my thought process, tweaked for my needs. I DEFINITELY want it to support both Golang and Python as well as preferably others. So, I'm not looking for language specific products.
I'm trying to avoid Microsoft for various reasons, not the least of which is that they keep breaking their products. So, I'm excluding VSCode. To each his own, so don't flame me.
I was looking at Geanie, but it doesn't look as modern or well supported as some. I'm not sure about Golang support. So, I'm excluding it.
I was hoping for Linux support, but some Windows apps can run under Wine in Linux, which might be good enough.
I'm zoning in on Zeus (Windows only), which few people know about, but I ran across it years ago. It's been around for probably 18 years. The oldest forum post was 2004. But, it was updated last year. They specifically talk about and have tutorials for Golang. They say you can set up the editor for almost any language. It's a paid product ($ 90) with a 55 day trial. They also have a Lite version for free, but I'm not sure what all it supports. There is a LOT of information on the website and the forum is somewhat active. I found a few YouTube videos on Zeus but not much recent.
If I don't like Zeus enough to pay for it, I could potentially revert to the Lite version. If that doesn't work, I could look at Atom (which is purported to be somewhat slow), or Sublime Text (which nags you to buy it for, I think, $ 100). The Sublime Text business licensing is subscription only, which I don't like. The personal version is buy it and own it with 3 years of upgrades. Apparently, though, you can ignore the nags and keep using Sublime Text.
Here are a bunch of Zeus links for anyone that's interested.
Zeus Home Page
A powerful, feature packed, fully configurable IDE specifically designed for Windows developers....
Zeus Tutorials including Golang and Python
A powerful, feature packed, fully configurable IDE specifically designed for Windows developers....
Zeus Languages - Can be configured for almost any language but comes preconfigured for 26 of them, including Golang and Python.
A powerful, feature packed, fully configurable IDE specifically designed for Windows developers....
Zeus Page for Golang
A powerful, feature packed, fully configurable IDE specifically designed for Windows developers....
Zeus Page for Python
A powerful, feature packed, fully configurable IDE specifically designed for Windows developers....
Zeus Forum
Zeus Lite (free)
Some of the text on this page is a bit dated but the download was updated in 2021.
A powerful text editor for Windows and it's free....
Zeus Edit Review (2013)
Review of Zeus Edit - DonationCoder.com
So, there you have it. My programming stack of stuff.
What have I gotten myself into?!?!
Anyway, hope this is helpful to you all. Feel free to jump in with other tips if you like as this project is definitely a work in progress and is likely to be for quite a while.
May your bits be stable and your interfaces be fast.
