LEO: Yes. As we've learned. Tazz in Nova Scotia has some relief from PayPal concerns, just in the nick of time. He says: Steve and Leo, I'm a little behind on listening to Security Now! due to being busy at work. I'm catching up. I have listened to SN-182, and I have a little info for the PayPal football and security question dilemma. If you log onto PayPal and go to My Account, then Edit Profile, down at the bottom of the account information column there is something called Identification Preferences.
The web page the link points to says: "When you call customer service, we will ask you to confirm your identity by providing your primary phone number and one other piece of information. Please let us know what you would like to use for your other form of ID." The choices are customer service PIN, your Social Security number, the last four digits of the primary bank account number, the last four digits of the primary credit card number. Choice one lets you create your own six-digit, numbers-only, PIN. The default setting, I guess, it certainly was mine, it was the bank account number. If I only had a credit card registered, I'm guessing it would have been the default. It seems to me, just guessing here, that if Brian in Raleigh, the guy that wrote in at the end of 182, had set up his own unique PIN, the customer service would ask him for that instead of the last four numbers of his credit card. If that's the case, well, everybody should be going there and fixing that.
STEVE: And Leo, it is. I didn't know about it. I went there, and it's there.
LEO: I'm going there right now.