My immediate thought on listening to the discussion of the EU product liability legislation was that it would seem to outlaw Microsoft refusing to support Win11 on older PCs for no real technical reasons. If software vendors have 2 years in which to comply, I guess M$ wil get away with it - this time, at least. Unless the EU can look sharp-ish and find some way to slap them down on the grounds that they will be condemning vast numbers of perfectly viable PCs to the e-waste mountain.
On another forum ( the owner of a small independant computer repair business is reporting the he is "seeing an increasing number of customers that are opting to not repair Windows 10 PCs because they don’t want to ‘risk’ running unsupported software. This includes non-OS fixes such as batteries and screens." He finds the Linux option an almost impossible sell for his largely non-technical clientelle.
- Philip
On another forum ( the owner of a small independant computer repair business is reporting the he is "seeing an increasing number of customers that are opting to not repair Windows 10 PCs because they don’t want to ‘risk’ running unsupported software. This includes non-OS fixes such as batteries and screens." He finds the Linux option an almost impossible sell for his largely non-technical clientelle.
- Philip