STEVE: Yeah. So I have received 53,000 pieces of email from Security Now! listeners over the course of this, what is it, 9.5 years or something. Or maybe we're ninth year, and it's 8.5 years. Anyway. And in addition to that, I had 200,000 other pieces of email because I don't ever want to throw them away. And it's very handy to, like, what was that something or other? And so I go searching through it and find something. Anyway, Eudora was just collapsing completely under the weight of this and had been getting worse and worse and worse for maybe about the last year. Finally this weekend I thought, okay, I have to do something about this.
My point is, the point for bringing this up is I am now, oh, my god, I am in heaven. I found something free which I can recommend to all. I know among our listeners there are people like me. There are people who just want to be able to find a piece of email that they're sure they received or sent 10 years ago, and whatever means they have of managing it now might be causing problems. So, m-a-i-l-s-t-o-r-e dotcom.
There's two versions of this thing. There's Mail Store Server, which is their commercial side, which, eh, it's a couple hundred dollars for five client licenses. And then there's Mail Store Home, which is completely free. And it is unbroken completely free. I mean, it works great. It's what I've ended up using because it was enough for me. I didn't like Mail Store the commercial version, only because it occupied, like, 50 to 100MB for the server component always running in the background, and then the client when you ran it. And I didn't want this thing running on my server because I like getting my mail off of the server, just for security's sake, and having it all be on my own workstation. So basically this is a very nice...
LEO: This is a good idea. I like this.