I have a WD7501AALS drive running at Level 2 for approximately 21 hours. The Graphic Status Display (screen1) has seemingly been on the same sector 429,015,311 (both Starting and Ending) {From Real Time Activities} (Screen 2). I would estimate that it got to the 29% position within 3 hours so it has been working the same sector for 19 hours. It started at Sector 429,015,040 and is now at 429,015,311. Is this normal or is this a hung condition. I remember in one of the forum posts someone mentioning something about a hang at 29%. At this point it estimates that the time Remaining is 56 hrs 21 min. I am just wondering how to proceed. Not a big deal to me to allow it to run. This is not a mission critical drive or data. I might choose to move the drive to a slower older computer. But then I would have to find out how to resume a SpinRite session at the stop point. Or would I be better off running at a higher level than 2. I really want to verify that the drive is still worth using. Thanks for the input.