| ReadSpeed: Hyper-accurate mass storage read-performance benchmark. rel 1 |
| Benchmarked values are in megabytes read per second at five locations. |
Driv Size Drive Identity Location: 0 25% 50% 75% 100
---- ----- ---------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
82 1.0TB CT1000MX500SSD1 450.7 456.0 500.8 534.2 492.8
---- ----- ---------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
543.0 447.3 489.9 538.8 543.0
534.1 462.9 461.1 535.0 534.1
534.1 461.3 483.8 533.3 534.1
534.1 459.6 485.0 534.9 534.1
534.1 476.3 507.6 534.1 534.1
534.1 492.3 483.5 534.1 533.3
534.1 493.8 483.9 534.1 534.9
462.9 489.0 478.2 533.3 534.1
495.4 495.3 513.6 534.9 534.1
479.1 491.3 480.4 534.1 534.1
474.7 511.9 487.5 534.1 534.1
465.3 475.4 510.7 534.1 534.1
452.7 444.7 465.7 534.1 534.1
427.3 460.5 462.6 534.1 533.3
454.4 438.2 467.0 534.1 534.2
447.3 458.9 506.2 534.1 534.9
456.9 449.5 534.1 534.1 534.1
452.4 469.7 523.0 534.1 534.1
441.1 453.8 529.9 534.1 534.1
401.1 457.0 531.9 534.1 534.1
405.4 469.6 533.3 534.1 534.1
371.3 433.4 518.2 534.1 534.2
387.4 459.9 516.1 534.1 534.1
358.8 421.3 522.3 534.1 534.1
366.2 443.2 495.1 534.1 533.3
395.6 439.2 501.3 534.1 534.9
370.4 480.5 514.8 534.1 533.3
431.3 468.4 515.2 534.1 534.9
443.1 459.1 510.3 534.1 534.1
440.9 504.6 504.4 534.1 464.6
451.8 488.2 474.1 534.1 450.8
434.1 471.7 354.2 534.1 455.1
455.0 490.2 409.3 534.1 458.8
441.6 430.5 504.3 533.3 472.1
450.9 493.7 481.7 534.9 445.0
448.4 495.4 508.0 534.1 430.3
435.6 472.1 508.1 534.1 448.7
443.8 448.4 530.1 534.1 534.1
454.1 461.1 534.1 533.3 534.1
448.9 484.9 533.3 535.0 518.9
434.7 494.4 534.9 534.1 510.0
431.2 494.7 534.1 534.1 534.1
438.8 482.8 533.3 533.2 534.2
435.2 473.3 534.9 534.9 534.1
442.3 482.7 534.1 534.1 534.1
430.6 404.1 534.2 534.1 429.3
423.9 485.2 534.1 534.1 445.1
443.4 481.8 534.1 534.1 414.4
433.8 440.6 534.1 534.1 432.8
455.4 440.5 534.1 534.1 440.0
460.6 444.4 534.1 534.1 454.7
485.3 477.4 534.1 534.1 448.7
479.1 429.6 534.1 534.1 442.4
463.3 470.6 534.1 534.1 439.1
461.3 476.2 533.3 534.1 450.8
466.4 465.2 535.0 534.1 447.8
476.6 491.5 534.1 534.1 447.6
459.7 489.3 534.1 534.1 445.8
487.0 451.3 507.6 534.1 441.3
467.0 452.6 478.0 534.1 447.9
468.3 395.0 491.0 534.1 445.3
488.4 321.7 475.4 534.1 454.0
473.5 353.1 421.2 534.1 452.4
484.9 316.9 405.0 534.1 454.0
Benchmarked: Thursday, 2020-12-31 at 11:59
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