Hi all. I need to do some proverbial crying on shoulders. So, of course, I came here. No, I'm not practicing to be a pirate based on the subject line.
I've been slowly going insane for months because my Windows 7 laptop will just suddenly BSOD (blue screen of death) for no apparent reason, which trashes any unsaved work I've been doing and wrecks my train of thought. I may post another thread about it if I can think of anything intelligent to say. My text file log of troubleshooting steps literally has hundreds of lines.
But, that's NOT why I'm writing this message. Like any good techie with decades of experience, I turn to the internet to do research. I'm pretty good at research, or at least I used to be. I turn to youtube, which used to be a good resource. I turn to google, which used to be a good resource. Well, no more. Or at least no more very successfully.
I have noticed a severe and disgusting trend and have observed that the internet is becoming almost useless for research.
I know for a fact that youtube, google, and others are censoring millions of pages on conservative, religious, patriotic, and health topics. A topic for a rant for another day. BUT, you'd think I could find some basic technical data.
I type in VERY specific queries and get hundreds of results of NON RELEVANT rubbish. Furthermore, where I used to be able to scroll through 30 pages of results to see what might be relevant, I now get a couple of pages. Not only that, in some cases, if I try to sort youtube videos by most recent rather than relevance, ALL the videos disappear. Sorting by date should have NO EFFECT on the number of entries returned.
Here are some of my search terms:
samsung 860 evo bsod
samsung 860 evo driver
microsoft security essentials bsod
firefox excessive ssd hdd writes
Probably 95% of whatever shows up is completely not relevant.
I've noticed similar results on Amazon's search engine, which I totally hate. The other day, I typed in EMF so I could find products related to EMF shielding or measurement, etc. That acronym has a very specific meaning. So, I would expect to see things that have EMF in the title or the ad, or things that mention electromagnetic fields somehow.
I literally looked through 5000 listings. Oh and, if you sort by price, the number of listings may dramatically change. What's up with that?
I got results like, men's briefs, face masks, cell phone cases, TRACTOR and EXCAVATOR gears and pulleys, etc. Literally about 80% - 90% of the listings I got were worthless, and I wasted about 3 of 4 hours looking for them. I filed a complaint for all the good it will do.
I think all the database search engineers got drunk and turned their jobs over to AI's that don't know their digital heads from a hole in the ground.
Like I said, I may post other messages about my actual technical problems. And, I don't necessarily expect solutions to the worlds problems here. Just felt the need to rant. But, I would like to know your thoughts on these issues.
Catch you later.
Sincerely, Sadly,